Our Results to Date
Artisan Strengthening
72 artisan businesses strengthened.
192 artisans trained in business planning and management, 72% women.
194 artisans receive product design assistance.
Over 72,000 beeswax candles sold.
$188,000 in Sales Revenue.
1,108 beekeepers trained; 65% are women.
32 beekeeping demonstration sites were established.
75 women trained in beehive construction.
825 hives built and distributed to beekeepers.
5 women trained in producing protective suits and veils for beekeepers.
500 locally produced suits and veils.
64 beekeepers trained as trainers in agroforestry techniques.
45 agroforestry demonstration sites were established.
900 beekeepers trained in agroforestry practices.
80% of beekeepers have adopted 3 or more agroforestry techniques on their farm.
80,000 new beneficial trees have been planted on the beekeepers’ farms.
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition
40 beekeepers trained as community-based Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) promoters.
MCHN promoters have collected 600 household baseline surveys to assess maternal and child health and nutrition status.
1 women-led artisan association representing 18 artisan groups from Canaan organized and legalized.
32 beekeeping groups organized; 80% of leaders are female.
4 beekeeping associations organized; 80% of leaders are female.
4 associations have applied for legal status with local government; so far, 2 have had their application approved and have opened their own bank account.
4 aggregation sites have been established, each with at least 3-year lease.
4 aggregation sites equipped with furniture, computers, solar power, transformation and sales equipment.
2021 Evaluation Results of artisan and beekeeping beneficiaries
75% of respondents reported that their output had increased.
65% reported that their revenue had increased.
70% reported that their market access had improved.
The percentage of respondents who felt that their business could withstand shocks increased from 33% to 62%
74% of respondents said they felt very or extremely connected to the wider network of artisans and beekeepers.